Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I limped to the finish line of 2007. The Holidays were a struggle, especially having to eat out frequently. But that is over, I've learned some lessons there and now I'm ready to begin the new year. While I often did not eat as I know I should have I am building on what I learned this past year and moving forward.

And one of the lessons learned in 2007 was that success comes from being motivated. Most of my motivation last year came from the many books I read. Yesterday it came from watching a video. I highly recommend Get Healthy Now! available on Over 13 hours of inspiration on this video. I would buy it if only for the talk by my favorite doctor Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

Dr. Fuhrman gives practical information on how to actually go about eating healthy meals. His four food groups are Salads, Soups, Smoothies, and Sorbets. He gives directions for making great salad dressings, all kinds of healthy soups, green smoothies, and sorbets that may make me forget about ice cream. The best thing is that he provides outlines for the basics for all of these meals. I got totally inspired because most importantly he gave me hope, now I could see what I actually could make to eat and how to do it.

In 2007 I learned what not to eat and to eat as much raw food as possible. My resolution for 2008 is to learn what I can eat and how to prepare healthy delicious meals. This video from Vegsource is the beginning. After that...I think I'll take some "uncooking" classes.

For me the key is to get inspired, at least long enough until my food choices become habit and the old ways are totally gone. This is a start.